Our history

Our history dates back to 1945 with the establishment of the engine repair factory, initially being handicraft production, there were only several workers.

In 1948 it became a factory for the repair of car-engines, machines, stationary engines and cast iron.

In 1958, the repair plant was reorganized into the plant «Avtodetal», which specialized in the manufacture of spare parts for cars.

In 1961, «Avtodetal» was transformed into the «Chisinau Tractor Plant».

In September 1962, the first tractor was built – the T-50B.
In accordance with the Law on State Privatization Program from 1995-1996, number 390-XIII of 15.03.95, in accordance with the privatization and restoration program, the Production Association «Chisinau Tractor Plant» was reorganized in six joint-stock companies:
- Tractor Plant JSC «TRACOM»;
- JSC «Radiator»;
Throughout 1998-1999, the General Assembly of shareholders for the companies, decided that JSC Tractor Plant «TRACOM» would separate into smaller joint-stock companies whilst keeping its own independence:
In the process of privatization of the newly established joint-stock companies, they were granted with the required resources and capital that they needed to sustain and grow.
Infrastructure – hardware and gas supply network, power systems, water supply and drainage systems, the fixed telephony network, fiber optics network, fire alarm systems, a railway line and access roads – are included in the authorized activities of JSC Tractor Plant «TRACOM».

May 12, 2011 on the basis of the Tractor Plant «TRACOM», at the general meeting of shareholders, it was decided that the Industrial Park «TRACOM» would be created.
The industrial park is located on an area of 32 hectares, which is the public property of the State. It may be freely used by its administrative company JSC «TRACOM» for a period of 30 years – according to the decision of the Government № 440 from June 16, 2011.

At a meeting of shareholders on 12.03.2015, it was decided to change the name of the Tractor Plant «TRACOM» into just «TRACOM».
Currently, the Industrial Park «TRACOM» is managed by JSC «TRACOM», providing services for 86 park residents.