The Company Board Of «TRACOM»
The Board of the Joint Stock Company «TRACOM» (hereinafter referred to as the `Company’s Board`) is an elected collective management body that represents the interests of the shareholders in the period between General Assembly` meetings and within its competence, carries out general management and control of the Company`s activity. Its competence, staffing, order of formation and activities are determined by the current legislation, the Company` Statute and Regulations of the Company`s Board approved by the general meeting of shareholders. The Company`s Board is accountable to the Company’s General Assembly of shareholders.
Company`s Board presents to the General Assembly of Shareholders an annual report on its work and activities of the Company, prepared in accordance with the legislation on the capital market, the company’s statute and regulations of the company’s board, as well as the information on the remuneration of its officials. The 5 members of the Company’s Board are elected from among the shareholders and other persons for a term of four-years by cumulative voting at the General Assembly meeting.
The Composition of the Board of the Company:
Chairman of the companies board
consultant principal al Direcției parteneriat public-privat și proiecte investiționale, Agenția Proprietății Publice
Other members of the board
șef Direcția asistență externă, Ministerul Finanțelor
consultant principal în Direcția contencios și control al legalității, Agenția Proprietății Publice
Secretar general adjunct al Guvernului
șef al Secției Politici în domeniul securității cibernetice din cadrul Direcției politici în domeniul tehnologiei informației și digitalizării, Ministerul Dezvoltării Economice și Digitalizării
Interim Director JSK “TRACOM”