About Us

The company “AG COMPUTER” SRL – was registered in 2005, it is an IT development company, with a stable financial position.

Current activity profile: services for the realization of the software to order.

The base customers are companies from abroad, including: US, Canada, UK, Sweden, Holland, Israel, Italy, France, Germany, etc. The export share of services represents the largest percentage of the company’s revenues.

In addition to the main activity “AG Computer” SRL contributes to the orientation in education and profession of junior specialists offering internship opportunities for students and participating in career orientation programs. Since 2019, he has launched a new internship program on various technologies that he uses in his activity. The duration of the course is two months, after which the trainees can be offered jobs.

The company has collaborated with the Association of Specialists in Information Technology of the Republic of Moldova, with the World Bank and the Electronic Governance Center on open data (government transparency programs) and IT courses at different universities in Moldova.

“AG Computer” SRL became general partner of the first collaboration space in Moldova – Generator Hub. He also supported projects such as Rails Girls Chisinau, BEST Chisinau, European BEST Engineering Competition and others. In 2018, he launched his new product – Empy.IO – a smart tool that allows the management of the company to be connected with the team.

Products for the following industries





Virtual reality

Our Products

If you have any questions – contact our manager by phone/email, which you can find below.

Our Services

Dedicated teams and Management

Development and graphic design

IT testing and consulting

Contact Us

For a detailed description of the products and for other specific information we recommend you to contact our manager.



Republic of Moldova, Chisinau,
Str. Columna 170