Jan 30, 2020
The management company of the “TRACOM” Industrial Park has established as a priority the pro-active support of the residents, by informing the latter about the financing opportunities meant to develop the investment projects implemented...
Jan 15, 2020
Comunicat informativ Pe data de 27 decembrie 2019 s-a desfăşurat Adunarea Generală extraordinară a acţionarilor „TRACOM” S.A., la care s-au luat următoarele decizii: I. Încetarea înainte de termen a împuternicirilor membrilor Consiliului Societății și Comisiei...
Jan 13, 2020
Tip 1. Trust your child, otherwise technique speaks powerless! When one of our caregivers can trust your child or they are not trusted in you, you can read our other tips. You lost your education. A child cannot be understood with a cage. You can’t do that. All...
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